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As of 2024, the latest research on acupuncture for various conditions.

Here’s a summary of recent findings from recent studies and systematic reviews:

Pregnancy-Induced Nausea: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses:

A 2023 meta-analysis published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine reviewed multiple studies on acupuncture for pregnancy-induced nausea. The analysis concluded that acupuncture significantly reduced the severity and frequency of nausea compared to placebo. The review also noted that acupressure (a related technique) was similarly effective and might be a more practical option for some patients.
Another systematic review in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies (2024) found moderate evidence supporting acupuncture's efficacy in reducing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. The review highlighted that while acupuncture is beneficial, the quality of the studies varies, and larger, high-quality trials are needed.

Recent Clinical Trials:

A 2024 randomized controlled trial published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine assessed acupuncture's effects on pregnancy-induced nausea in a sample of 200 women. Results indicated that those receiving acupuncture had a statistically significant reduction in nausea symptoms compared to a control group receiving sham acupuncture.

A study from Obstetrics & Gynecology (2023) examined the impact of acupuncture combined with acupressure on pregnancy-related nausea. The study found that the combined approach provided superior relief compared to standard care alone.

General Acupuncture Efficacy

Chronic Pain and Inflammation: Research in 2024 published in Pain Medicine reaffirmed acupuncture’s efficacy in managing chronic pain conditions such as osteoarthritis and lower back pain. The study indicated that acupuncture provided significant pain relief and improved function compared to placebo and standard treatments.
Mental Health:

A 2024 study in The Lancet Psychiatry explored acupuncture’s impact on anxiety and depression. The findings suggested that acupuncture might offer moderate benefits for reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, particularly when combined with conventional treatments.
Digestive Disorders:

Recent research published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences (2024) reviewed acupuncture's effectiveness in treating various digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastritis. The study found that acupuncture could reduce symptoms like abdominal pain and bloating, though results varied among individuals.

Mechanisms and Safety

Mechanistic Insights: A 2023 review in Frontiers in Neuroscience explored how acupuncture influences neurotransmitter systems and the central nervous system. The review provided evidence that acupuncture modulates neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which are involved in pain and nausea regulation.
Safety:A comprehensive safety review published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2024) reaffirmed that acupuncture is generally safe when performed by qualified practitioners. The review highlighted that adverse effects are rare and usually minor, such as temporary soreness or bruising.
The latest research indicates that acupuncture remains a promising option for managing various conditions, including pregnancy-induced nausea. While evidence supports its efficacy, particularly for nausea and chronic pain, there is a consistent call for more high-quality, large-scale studies to further validate these findings. For pregnant individuals, acupuncture appears to be a viable complementary treatment, but it should be pursued under the guidance of healthcare professionals to ensure safety and appropriateness.

Reference List:

Learn How Acupuncture Improves IVF Success and Effectively Communicate the Research to Patients and Doctors – Pro D Seminar

Acupuncture use in IVF,1-5
Acupuncture safety, 6-9
Acupuncture at ET RCTs,11-27
Acupuncture at TUGOR RCTs.28-32
Clinical and/or Cohort studies,33-46
What is the right dose of acupuncture?34,42,44,47-49
Systematic reviews.50-58
Limitations in acupuncture research59,60

Reference List:

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Research - Acu House Alberta in Calgary, Alberta

Dr. Christa Angell TCM D.AC, R.Ac offers Acupuncture in Calgary, Alberta

Acu House Alberta offers safe, effective Acupuncture in Calgary, Alberta

Research - Acu House Alberta in Calgary, Alberta Founder & Creator Acu House 

Dr. Christa Angell TCM D.Ac R.Ac

"Acupuncture treatments send information to our bodies cells to signal homeostasis. This information is used to restore balance and regain health "